2016 10th Merit Badge Camporee Schedule
10th Merit Badge Camporee
May 20-22 2016
Shrewsbury PA
To all our invited troops, please be aware of the deadlines for the Camporee:
March 16 we will distribute the final list of MBs to be offered along with the schedule
March 23 all counselors for the camporee should be registered in meribadge.info
Wednesday March 30 at 9pm open registration
April 8 at 9 pm closes registration
April 13 (Wednesday) at 7pm planning meeting with Troop leaders and Counselors (telecon available). Location: scout house (directions can be found in the menu at left).
April 15 Registration Payment for scouts ($35) and not helping adults ($20) and T-shirt orders due (prices vary)
Important Information
Registration Site www.Meritbadge.info
2016 10th Merit Badge Camporee Guide
Presentation Troop Leaders and Counselors meeting
Barb contact information (for arrangements for those need special meals)
Material and Help needed (in case one of the attending troops can help) updated on 4/14/16
If you have any questions please contact us at mbcamporee@troop90.us
Yours in scouting,
Rosa (Rossy) Diaz
Event Coordinator
Previous information